An Office Lust Affair


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I didn't move as Stevie kept my panties pressed to his face, moved closer, put held his hand out and touched my erect nipples for a few seconds. I enjoyed that, but knew I had to stop him.

"We should go home now." I nonchalantly told him as I turned away and poured the full, undrunk cup of coffee down the sink.

We didn't speak another word as Stevie did a security check and I packed my laptop away. As he finally turned the key in the lock he looked at me and winked. I smiled a knowing smile.

"Goodnight" we said in unison; then he turned to walk home and I crossed the car park.

My stomach was turning somersaults as I drove home to my house that I knew would be empty. Even though I had 'gone commando' a few times with Richard, mainly on holiday, it was odd not wearing panties. I arrived home just before midnight, left the car in the driveway and went inside. I made myself a cup of tea, put the TV on and watched the news on sky. But I couldn't concentrate on what was being reported. My mind was in a whirl as I kept going over the evening's events.

I couldn't decide if what I had done was just plain, downright stupid or was a rather horny experience; probably a little of both. It really was so unlike me, but in a way that appealed for I was doing something different, breaking out and having a new experience. Steve was also different. Younger than me and miles away from what I would consider to be an ideal man I was again mixed about my feelings for him. I found the coarse, vulgar side of him repulsive, but at the same time his totally outrageous attitude and approach was refreshing and for a reason I couldn't understand rather exciting. I decided to go to bed. I took a glass of dry, white wine with me, undressed and cleaned my teeth. I looked at myself in the full-length mirror and saw that my nipples had hardened again. I touched them and knew that I would masturbate.

I lay on the bed and thought about my evening in the office smiling when I thought 'with the bull.' As my mind went over all he and I had said to each other, particularly what he had claimed he would do with my panties I suddenly realised something and that was a rationale as to why I had taken my panties off and given them to him. Simply it was the sheer sordidness of the situation that appealed to me. The crass, vulgar manner and approach of Steve combined with the lewd actions he talked about and claimed he would do when he got home for some crazy reason appealed to me. It was so far away from my typical life, so far away from how men I knew, lawyers, accountants, doctors and successful businessmen behaved. By being like that I was entering into something that was so different, unusual and almost unrealistic that it almost wasn't reality. That somehow suited my odd logic and made it more acceptable. So much so that as I imagined just what Steve might be doing with my panties one of my hands slid between my legs as the other cupped my full tit and pulled on my nipple.

As I lay there it suddenly struck me that despite going as far as we had, he hadn't tried to fuck me so I fucked myself instead and amazingly imagined that Steve was doing that.


The following day I arrived at my desk to find a post-it note on my chair. 'There's a present for you in the top drawer'.

I tentatively opened it to find yesterday's knickers scrunched up into a ball. I looked around and couldn't see anyone who looked like they were going to visit me so I took them out and examined them.

I was nearly overcome by the smell of sex as I unfolded my soiled thong. The satin material was absolutely coated in hardened cum but the crotch was still sticky and warm! The dirty bugger must have used them one last time this morning, in my office. I threw them back into the drawer when the secretary all the sub editors shared knocked on the door.

"Good morning Cat" the twenty something year old girl with the seemingly impossibly short skirt and equally impossibly long legs said flashing me a lovely smile. "Are you ok? You look a bit flushed?"

"Did you get what Steve left?"

Panicking a bit for I wouldn't have put it past the dirty bastard to have told Emma that he was returning my panties I said. "What was that?"

"I have no idea, but he popped in here earlier.

"Oh yes it was a file, it's back" I said waving a hand towards the filing cabinet.

The afternoon dragged by. Every time I saw movement outside my office I looked up half hoping and half dreading it would be Steve, but it never was. I contented myself with secretly touching and sniffing my dirty knickers that he had used to masturbate in; making myself incredibly horny. Every now and then I would find myself opening the drawer and looking at the soiled panties. The smell of dried sperm was very nearly overpowering. In fact the stench and feel and the squalidness of the sight made me the horniest I'd felt for ages. So much so I was even tempted to go into the ladies toilet and masturbate, but I resisted the urge.

I finally spotted him around five thirty just as everyone was leaving. He smiled and mimed drinking a cup of coffee. My stomach was spinning as I smiled and nodded agreement that I wanted a cup.

Ten minutes later he sauntered into my office with two cups. We chatted about work and what was planned for the evening for a while. I tried to remain calm but all I could think about was the pair of soiled knickers in my drawer.

Just as he finished his coffee he grinned and asked, "Did you like my little present?"

I instantly blushed but nodded in the affirmative.

"I wanked off into them three times last night!" Stevie said looking very pleased with himself and not the slightest bit guilty at the crude statement.

"They were....were" I stammered. "Er, um still.....wet."

"I thought you'd like that" he grinned. "I cracked one off in here this morning too."

"You truly are a disgusting man" I told him, with a little smile.

"I bet you fingered yourself when you got home?" He said in a matter of fact way as we walked towards the main office.

"I did not!" I told him indignantly, "Any way, I wouldn't tell you even if I did!"

I tried to remain dignified as Stevie pestered me all evening about the knickers I'd given him the previous night and what he'd been thinking about while he was wanking into them. He took great pleasure in telling me exactly how much 'stuff' he'd ejaculated or, as he put it, shot, each time. I tried to hide my feelings especially as I thought that my pussy might explode but eventually my erect nipples gave me away.

Gradually the journalists and editing staff drifted off home. Our papers were weeklies and were published on Thursdays and Fridays so Monday and Tuesday evenings were always quite slow, particularly when compared to the manic Wednesdays and Thursdays. By eight thirty or so we were alone in the office. My whole body was tingling and my heart was pounding.

Steve was standing behind me watching me work on screen. I was sitting on a low back chair. The narrow band of padding cut across my back just above my waist. He moved very close and stood there for a moment or two. Neither of us said anything. I waited in anticipation. He moved even closer and then began rubbing his erection against my back. When I didn't complain he muttered.

"You know I imagined fucking you when I jerked off last night and this morning don't you?" He said rubbing my shoulders.

"How could I know?" I asked in a tight voice.

"Yes I have fucked you in loads of positions" he went on sliding his hands down my front and cupping my breasts making me sigh. I let him massage them for a couple of minutes then shrugged him off telling him that 'we had work to do.'

As the evening wore on he kept asking what underwear I had on and making lewd suggestive comments.

Around nine thirty we stopped for a break.

"Are you going to give me your knickers again tonight?" He asked as I organised some sandwiches.

Without hesitating I teased him by saying. "I might I haven't decided."

He continued like this for a while as he tried to guess what I was wearing and telling me again how much he'd enjoyed wanking into the pair the previous night. It was crazy that him telling me about wanking into my panties had become almost commonplace. It was no longer a shock to hear the possibly near pervert talk about 'fucking me' or 'wanking thinking about me' or the positions he'd fucked me in.

Tonight I didn't have the vodka to boost me so I had no idea what made me say. "If you can guess what colour they are, you can have them." I giggled.

"Pink." He immediately replied.

I was stunned and pulled a funny face.

"How did you guess?"

"You look like you always wear a matching set." He smiled a winning smile.

Of course! I always wore matching underwear and he'd already seen my bra. Shit!

"Can I have them now?" He asked.

"Why now?"

"I want to watch you working knowing you haven't got any knickers on for the rest of the night."

I gulped. That was exactly how I was feeling, especially after 'being knickerless' the previous evening had been such a turn on.

I smiled and made to walk out of the kitchen.

"No" Stevie said grabbing my arm and stopping me. "Take them off in here in front of me."

We were quite close together. So close I got whiffs of 'his smell' and his stunningly almost hypnotic ice-blue eyes were locked on mine. I knew then that I would do as he asked, but equally knew how crazy it was. I had never done or wanted to do anything like this before. It was as if the office was a cocoon and inside it I could do things that would be unthinkable out of it.

He obviously saw my hesitation.

"Come on Cat take them know you want to."

I turned my face away so he wouldn't see my eyes for they were the giveaway. I did want to, but didn't want to admit it.

"Or shall I? Would you like me to take your panties off Cat?"

The blunt words crashed into my mind and I realised I wanted to take them off for him and in front of him. Jesus what a slut I was becoming. I turned to face him again and I held his gaze. The without saying a word I hitched my grey pleated skirt up to my thighs and fumbled for the elastic at the top of my thong.

"Oh fuck me yes" he groaned and that made me feel good. "Higher...lift it higher than that" Stevie demanded in low voice.

My heart was pounding as I lifted my skirt until it was bunched round my waist. Holding it there with one hand whilst with the other I began removing my panties, I couldn't believe the sensations roaring through me. I couldn't believe what I was doing or why I was doing it. I had numerous suitors around who were far more 'my type of man' than Steve, but I ignored them. Yet here I was in the office where I worked, my skirt hitched up, our gazes locked as I slid my fingers into the waistband of my pink, lace panties preparing to take them off and give them to the lecherous, sleazy bastard who for some unfathomable reason turned me on so much. It is said that opposites attract.

He grinned broadly and muttered something that I didn't quite catch.

As I pulled my panties down my legs I knew he was also getting a clear look at my thatch of tawny pubes. I wasn't shaved or heavily trimmed and it was before 'Brazilians' or even landing strips had become fashionable so I was standing there with my full bush completely on view to him. When I lifted my foot to step out of the panties I knew he would be able to see the wet pink of my pussy as well: that sent a surge of sexual arousal through me. I'd never felt like this before. I realised that I was revelling in doing such outrageous things and in such sordid circumstances. But I had no idea why or where it was leading.

As I threw my panties across the room to him I straightened my skirt as if I'd just done the most natural thing in the world.

Stevie easily caught them and pressed them against his face and inhaled my musk.

"Mmmmmm" he purred, "I love the smell of warm pussy." Then he placed them in his shirt pocket with a little bit sticking out like a handkerchief.

It felt really odd, but sort of liberating if that isn't too poncy a term. If that is an inappropriate description of how I was feeling then try fucking sexy for that's how I felt wandering around the office and working with no knickers on under my skirt. Of course the 'office bull' being there and knowing I had nothing on under the tight skirt added considerably to the sensations I was experiencing.

As we worked he kept asking questions about my underwear and if I had French knickers, thongs, crutchless panties or bras with holes for the nipples to poke through. After a while I overcame my inhibitions and was conversing quite normally about my lingerie as we worked archiving all the data.

"What about stockings? Do you wear them?"

"Now and again yes."

"Ones that stay up by themselves or with a suspender belt?"

"Both actually" I replied in a matter-of-fact way as I inserted a fairly complicated formula into the database that would cross refer one story to another.

"What do you prefer?"

"I like both it depends on what I am wearing over them."

"Why wear anything?" He leered at me.

"Because I wear them when I am going out to a do or a dinner and dance."

"I see and what's over them got to do with it?"

"Well I wouldn't wear suspenders if I was wearing a very right dress."

"Why do you wear them and the other sexy undies?"

At first I told him I hardly wore them and preferred M and S plain cotton undies. He asked where I bought the sexier stuff. As he persisted, though, I admitted to buying some sexier stuff.

"Where do you get them?"

"How do you mean?"

"Shops or website?"

"Both, but I like going shopping so I go to Janet Regar or Agent Provocateur."

"Does hubby like them?"

Without thinking I muttered. "He's not there to notice."

"So why do you wear it?"

"It makes me feel good."

"What good, you mean sexy."

"Yes I suppose I do."

"And how does being commando feel?" He asked moving close and running his hand over my bottom.

I looked him right in the eye. "It feels sexy."

"So do you feel sexy?"

I changed the subject and got on with my work for I didn't want to tell him that I felt so horny that if he wasn't careful I would fuck him there and then.

As we finished work at 11.30 Stevie asked me if I wanted a coffee before we left for home. I guessed that he had some other kind of agenda on his mind but agreed anyway.

As I waited for the kettle to boil Steve flamboyantly sniffed my knickers for the umpteenth time that night.

"Show me your beaver again" he told me in quite a forceful way.

"No, don't be daft."

"It's not daft, you said you felt sexy and pulling your skirt up will be fucking sexy."

"For you maybe."

"And you, you know it turns on you, come on just do it, nobody will ever know."


"Cat luv, we have come this far tonight. You've let me play with your tits, you have pulled your skirt up shown me your pubes and flashed your wet cunt at me, so doing again is nothing."

The easy and totally naturally way it seemed that he used the word cunt to got me. Used in the right context I loved to hear dirty talk, cunt, fuck, cock and arsehole. Again as if reading my mind he went on.

"And you have a lovely cunt Cat. So let me see your cunt again. Pull your skirt up for me."

I was like putty in his hands and I did exactly what he asked. Slowly I lifted my skirt with both hands so he got a full view of my pubes and pussy.

With my knickers still pressed against his face he began unbuckling his belt. I began shaking with excitement as he unbuttoned the fly on his jeans and let them fall to his ankles. I was so excited my mouth hung open as he pulled his underpants down and his penis came into view. The purple tip was poking out of his tight foreskin that had slid down the angry looking head a little.

"It's only fair you can see mine if I've seen yours" he chuckled as he wrapped my panties around it and began pumping his cock with the satin and lace of my panties.

"Like watching a guy wank Cat?"

I nodded and stared at him as his penis seemed to grow even longer. He was fairly long, but that didn't particularly interest me for he was deliciously thick and my memory of being fucked by a sturdy cock was awesome.

I could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead and my heart was racing as I stared at the sight in front of me. His pubes were shaved back so there was just a tiny strip making his cock look absolutely massive and he had a thick barbed wire tattoo around his left thigh. Only in websites had I seen anything like that. It was rather vulgar, but somehow in these circumstances exciting too.

"Lean back against the edge of the desk and open your legs so I can see your cunt" he said in the most matter-of-fact way. Oddly that seemed perfectly apt for the circumstances as did perching on the desk with my legs slightly parted and 'my cunt' on view

He leaned back against a table and began openly masturbating and talking dirty to me as I stood not far from him my expensive DKNY skirt bunched round my waist .

"I bet you love big dicks don't you Cat?"

"Have you had one this thick?"

"Yes" I whispered.

"What loving big 'uns or had a thick fucker like this?" He asked laughing at his rather silly joke.

"Thick ones" I stammered

"I want you to suck it for me, deep throat me and swallow my spunk."

"No Steve I won't."

What suck or swallow?"


"You'll suck though?" He said wrapping my panties round his cock again.

I was feeling enormously confused and amazingly aroused. I had never done anything as outrageously sordid as this and the sheer squalidness of the situation seemed to appeal so strongly to me. That made me feel a little worried, but there was so much going in that I pushed that from my mind and acknowledged that it would be a topic I would think about later.

Barely audibly I whispered. "No not now" as my fingers as if with a mind of their own ran across my tummy just above my pubes.

"Do you suck your husband?" He asked.


"So why not suck me?" He asked stroking his appealingly sturdy cock.

"It's too soon" I groaned as I stroked my tummy.

"Later then?"

"Maybe, I don't know, I hardly know you" I stammered so confused, worried and full of guilt at what I was doing

I could see his eyes on my hand. "Oh yes baby, you horny, dirty bitch, go on play with yourself."

I lifted my hand and cupped my breast as I slid the fingers on the other one into my thatch of pubes.

"Stick your fingers up your twat you filthy slag."

"You're gonna fucking beg me to shove this up your cunt aren't you."

I shook my head.

Still with my skirt held up against my tummy I thought I was werring myself because I could feel something warm running down my thigh as Stevie wanked so fast I thought his tattoos might fly off his arm. It wasn't pee though that was soaking my thighs!

He soon began grunting and grinding his teeth. I recognised the familiar sounds and gestures. He stepped forward and dropped my panties onto the kitchen table.

"Are you ready?" He mumbled. I nodded.

With one last furious stroke he sighed....then a long stream of cum shot out and landed on my knickers then he stepped even closer and forced another two short spurts out until they were coated in the stuff.

I'd never witnessed anything like that. It was probably the filthiest thing I had ever seen and without doubt, by an enormous margin the most wanton and disgusting I had been involved in. But it was also one of the most exciting experiences imaginable; I was now so excited I thought I might feint.

"God.....that was fucking great" he panted. "Did you enjoy that?"

I nodded.

"You gonna play with yourself now?" He asked in his soft Northern Irish brogue.