A World For the Taking


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I gave Dee-Dee instructions on what was going to happen. When she left, I had her write me two checks for five hundred a piece. I would meet her in a month for the thousand in cash. In return, I would play a little girl game with her. She didn't realize it yet, but she would be playing big girl games before long - rough games. Oh yes, I had a lot of ideas for Dee-Dee.

I told her to get as far away from the store as quickly as possible and not to come back because I was going to file a rape report when she left. As long as the checks kept coming in, she was safe. She was crying when she left, but she also seemed relieved. It could have been much worse. I had Taken her, but she could live with it, and I wasn't greedy.

I left right after she did. I never filed a report; I had no intention to. My mother was waiting for me in the car. I guess the smile on my face told the story.

"You Took her," she said, hugging me. "I'm so proud of you. Now, let's get out of here and you can tell me all about it."

"It's okay," I said. "No one will be coming out."

She looked at me as if she didn't quite trust me. "How much did you Take?"

I gave her the check for five hundred, along with the three hundred in cash I lifted, and beamed proudly.

"Three hundred?" she winced. "And what the hell where you thinking? A check! She'll stop payment before we can cash it. Did you get any cards?"

"She won't stop payment," I said, and showed her the credit card.

"Not a bad Take," she said, handing me the cash back. "You've earned it. The rest will go to your room and board. It's high time you started pulling your own weight around here. Why I was paying my own way by the time I was sixteen. You've just turned eighteen and you haven't even started."

"Yes, mother," I groaned. "And mother, what about the girl in the bathroom?"

She tossed me a bag. "To hell with her, Lisa. I would have thought your first take would have straightened you out."

Maybe it did. I felt different inside. More powerful. Strong. Yet, in a way, I owed it all to Penny. If it wasn't for her, I would never have had the courage to take Diana as successfully as I did.

"The clothes mother," I repeated. "You promised."

"You are too obstinate to be my child. Oh, well, here's her damned clothes. She's in the lower restroom by Talheimer's, but I don't even know why you want to bother. I've already Taken her. There's nothing left."

"She goes to my school," I said. "Besides, I may even be able to work out a deal where she can do my homework." Mother could be so one dimensional sometimes, but she began to catch on when I mentioned homework. I had learned with Diana, there were things you could take that didn't come out of a wallet.

"That's good, now you're thinking like a Taker, but with money, you don't need homework or school" Mother hugged me again. "How's it feel?"

"It feels good. Real good," I said. "And don't worry about me mother. I'll catch a ride home. If I can't, I'll call you, okay?"

"Sure thing sweetie, you've earned it. But don't let this one Take go to your head. Stick with mummy and everything will be just grand."

"Thanks mom."

I tossed Penny's clothes in the trash, bought some new ones along the way. I also stopped at Walgreens and bought a disposable camera, and made my way to the restroom. I knocked on the locked door.

"Who is it?" she asked, timidly.

"Someone asked me to take this bag to a girl that was in here."

"Thank God," she said. "Toss the bag under."

"Unlock the door first," I said.

"No - I ah can't."

"Fine. See you later." I walked back to the door, but I knew she wouldn't let me leave.

"Wait," she called. I heard the latch slide open. When I opened the door, she was on the commode, an arm over her breast and a hand over her crotch.

"My God," I exclaimed, feigning surprise. "You're naked!"

"Please give me the bag," she pleaded.

"No fucking way!" I said, pretending to recognize her for the first time. "You go to my college don't you. Oh shit, you're Penny Hudson!"

She started crying. I coerced her with the bag of clothes and eventually got the whole story out of her of what happened with Mother, even though I already knew.

"Wow, what a story," I said. "What was it like? Were you scared?"

"It was horrible. I don't know when I was scared most. When I thought I was going to be arrested for shoplifting or when I was robbed and she skipped out with my clothes."

"God, could you have imagined if that woman made you do things? What if she made you do sex things. I mean she had you naked. Did she like touch you? Did she make you kiss her?"

"No, no she didn't," she begged, clearly growing uncomfortable with my new line of questioning. "Please, can I have my clothes now?"

"Oh I don't know. I saw some of your friends in the mall. Why don't I find them and tell them you are in here doing sex things for strange women."

"Oh no," she cried. "You wouldn't."

"Oh yes, I would," I said. "But, not as long as you do what I want."

"What do you want?" Her voice trembled, but she was no longer crying.

"I want you to take your hands and put them on top of your head, and then I want you to lean back and spread your legs."

"Please no," she begged.

"It's me or them," I said.

"Oh, God, I can't believe I'm doing this," she said, as she closed her eyes and obeyed me. Her hard nipples were stiff and pointing and the moist pink folds of her sex peaked out from her nether lips.

I fished out the disposable camera and took a quick picture.

"What are you doing?" she squealed, covering her nakedness back up.

"Call it insurance," I said. "Move your hands. It's too late now. Or do you want me to pass out copies of this around college?"

"No, please don't. I'll do what you want," she said, resigning herself to her fate.

"I know you will. Now put your hands underneath you breasts and offer them to me. Flash. Good girl. So shy. Now, spread your legs. Come on Penny. What will everyone think if they see this? Flash. Good girl. Blow me a kiss. Oh that's it. So sexy. Lick your lips for me. That's my girl. Now, spread your lips for me. No, your lower lips. You know the ones I mean. I want to see all your naughty parts. You better do it. I'm not playing games with you. Yeah, that's it. Spread them for me. Oh yes, hold that pose. You're getting wet. Can't hide from me. That's it, give me a pretty blush. Wow, people pay good money for pictures like these. I bet I could get a thousand dollars from some internet site."

"Please stop," she whimpered.

"It's too late to stop. You know that and I know that. We've gone too far to stop," I chided. "Now, tilt your hips and spread wide for me. I want to see everything. Even your dirty hole." I snapped a few more pictures, and to her dismay took a few close-ups, before putting the camera back in my bag.

"Don't worry Penny," I said. "No one will ever see these as long as you are my special friend. And you do want to be my special friend, don't you?"

"Yes . . ." she said. She really didn't want to be my friend, but she *had* to. It was the only way.

"Yes, Miss Lisa," I corrected. Time to get this relationship started on the right foot. "Now ask Miss Lisa if you can touch her pussy."

"I'm not like that Lis-I mean Miss Lisa," she whined. "I ah-like boys. Ah jeez, I'm engaged." Whether she did or didn't or was or wasn't, it was too fucking bad. Dee had left me in a bad state already and by now I was going to cum or bust wide open.

"You ever been with a girl?" I asked.

"no. . ." she replied meekly.

"Then you don't know then, do you?" I asked, and then leered down at her naked and very aroused body. "And I know I've aroused you. I mean, just look at you."

Penny blushed prettily as she glanced down at her sordid state. Her lean thighs pressed tightly together.

I turned to leave. "Maybe you want to take your chances with someone else. . ."

"Wait . . ." she said. She looked down at her naked and aroused state, and then at the bag in my hand. She nodded her head like a scared little bunny.

"Ask me." I said. "I want to hear you ask for it."

She hesitated, opened her mouth up to begin, but couldn't find the words. She tried again. "Uh-can I touch you . . . Miss Lisa. Can I touch your . . . pussy?" She said, clearly uncomfortable with saying Miss Lisa as well as pussy.

"Yes you may Penny," I said. "But gently now. Start at my calves and caress your way to my pussy." God, it was wonderful. I loved Taking.

Finally her fingers reached my hot sex. Her touch was electric. God, I wanted her.

"See, you've made me wet. Isn't that wonderful?"

She nodded. She didn't look quite as scared as she had before.

"I expect you to answer yes, Miss Lisa or No, Miss Lisa with every question."

"Yes, Miss Lisa."

"Would you like to see it Penny? After all, I've seen so much of you."

"Yes, Miss Lisa."

"Then ask me."

"Please Miss Lisa," Penny said, with her voice trembling. "May I see it? May I see your . . . pussy?"

"Good, girl," I said. "Lower my panties from beneath my skirt."

She obeyed mechanically and moved to raise my skirt. I grabbed her ear and twisted. "Did I say you could see it, bitch? Did I give you permission to look at my pussy?" I demanded.

"No," she yelped. "No Miss Lisa."

"Do you think you deserve to look at my pussy you stupid shit? After you let some perv steal your cloths and who knows what else? Well, do you?"

"No Miss Lisa," she begged.

Damn, she was crying again. "Don't cry Penny," I soothed. "Maybe there's something else you can do so you can still be my special friend."

She sniffed, and dried a few tears. "What?"

"Maybe if you promised to close your eyes, I would let you put your head underneath my skirt and give me a special kiss . . . a special kiss on my most special place."

She hesitated a moment, her face was etched with the battle of indecision raging within. "Yes," she finally breathed.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, I promise to close my eyes. May I give you a special kiss Miss Lisa . . . on your special place."

"Oh, I think that would be wonderful . . . friend," I said. "Now, close your eyes. That's good. And hold still while I put my leg on your shoulder. Don't be scared now, because I'm putting my skirt down over your head and it might be dark. Isn't that nice? All safe, like a bug in a rug."

"Mmmpppff," she grunted.

"You don't have to talk Penny, just give Miss Lisa a special kiss. Mmmmmm, that feels real nice," and it did, so soft and magical. But I wanted more. So much more. "But Penny, I was thinking about a French kiss. You've given them to boys before, haven't you? To your fianc‚e surely. Just picture your future husband and give him a hot hungry kiss."

A tear rolled down her cheek as she realized she was not only having lesbian sex, but cheating on her future husband - if there actually was one.

I grabbed the top of the stalls so I wouldn't fall, otherwise I surely would have. The sensation of her kiss, the way her mouth opened and sucked at my pussy while her tongue delved inside of me, turned my legs to jelly.

"Now stick that tongue in deep. Pretend you want to tickle his tonsils with it. He's given you an engagement ring - mmmmm- and you want to thank him. . Oh! That's it - oh fuck -you are gonna make me cum and I want you to lick up every drop," I gasped. "Oh fuck. Promise me. Ahh-promise to lick every drop."

"Yeth mith Litha," she murmered.

"Ugh, keep going bitch. Oh fuck, suck my clit you little queer. You better get used to this, because you're gonna be doing it a lot. Lot's of special kisses for your special friend. Yeah baby, cause I love it. I love your sweet mouth. I'm going to let you give me special kisses all the time. But, you engagement, ah- you are going to call it off. Oh -fuck -fuck -fuck I'm coming. Don't stop - don't stop - oh - don't stop. . ."

When I came down from my orgasm, I made her close her eyes while I got myself back together. "I want you to give me a ride home." I said. "Give me your car keys." And she did.

"Yes, Miss Lisa," she replied. She kept looking at her pussy, as if to say what about me? Well, what about you?

"Oh yeah, here's the bag, the lady wanted me to give you."

When she saw the contents, her look of disappointment was intense. "Where are my clothes?"

"That's what she gave me," I said, shrugging my shoulders. I knew what it was, I picked it out myself. I one piece tennis skirt I found at a hip hop store along the way. It was white with three red stripes down the side and an Adidas logo on the front. It was also a few sizes too small. "Go ahead, try it on. It should be fine."

"I can't wear this," she said, looking down at her body.

And what a body it was became obvious when she put the skirt on. It did nothing to hide any of her charms. It was stretched so much the pink of her nipples were displayed through the weave of the fabric. It went beyond a glove, it was a second skin. And her dorky glasses made her look even more attractive.

"Lisa - I mean Miss Lisa, do you have any money at all. Oh God, anything. Let me wear your panties at least."

"Look, I'm not the one who lost all her clothes. Now, I'm leaving and I have the keys to your car, so are we going or not?"

She shivered. The fear was causing her nipples to point out even more. "Yes, Miss Lisa," she said.

"Where are you parked?" I asked.

"By the front entrance Miss Lisa."

"I'll tell you what," I said. "I'll walk behind you and whistle if I see you showing off your dirty bits."

"But. . ." She started, then seeing that she didn't have much choice in the matter, eventually nodded.

"And I think you should thank me for my help and for being your special friend."

"T-thank you Miss Lisa for your help and being my special friend."

"You're very welcome Penny." I gave her a peck on the lips which obviously startled her. I could taste myself on her lips. Not bad. I gave her a little tongue, and she froze up at first but eventually responded to it.

We left the restroom and within fifty yards, her skirt had ridden up, exposing a good inch of her bottom and I could make out the tell-tell pubes of her mound and traces of moisture streaking down from her thighs. I whistled and smiled as everyone turned to look at her struggle to pull her skirt down in the back. God, she was making me hot again. I loved the look on her face when she turned back to look at me imploringly. I wondered if she would look at me the same way when we got back to her car and I rubbed her off. Or better yet, I would watch while she rubbed herself off. Maybe in front of some strangers. Maybe even take a few more pictures . . . I had a several exposures left.

God, I loved Taking. I was still pissed at Mother for manipulating me and not having faith in me. It was obvious she expected me to fail. Well, I had succeeded . . . in spades. She had no idea how well I had succeeded. Maybe she wasn't as smart as she thought she was. She didn't even know I had kept most of the Take for myself. I thought of her again and wondered if I could Take her - Take my own Mother. For a moment, I stopped looked at pretty Penny struggling to retain her modesty and glanced around me in the mall.

I saw them for the first time . . .a world full of people. . . just waiting to be Taken.

Then End


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nonprofit60nonprofit6010 months ago

Loved little Penny and her humiliation.

tokyodude19tokyodude19almost 4 years ago

I wished you made a series of this.

hi78ehi78eabout 5 years ago

Great story, i would love to read her ideas for DeeDee

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 10 years ago
the grifters (femme variant )

if I had ruled the world twenty years ago, Annete Benning would have played the mom in the movie made from this . Slicing and dicing with the mind , so nice !

fingers46fingers46almost 12 years ago
not sure

not sure why I liked this,manipulating,calculating erotic bitch,thats why!

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