A Schoolgirl's Lesson Ch. 01


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After that, she happily became the General's plaything. He fucked her on a regular basis, often forcing her to fuck two, or even three men at once. She loved it. She was a natural born whore and the General assumed that her daughter would be the same.

As the General rang the door bell, he knew that he could not just rape Alice like he had raped the mother. The fact of the matter was he had no leverage on Alice, nothing to bribe her with, nothing to force her to become his fuck toy. Indeed, if anything, the roles were actually reversed and Alice could potentially ruin his army career with what she knew. However the General was too cunning to ever let that happen and was confident the daughter, like the mother, would become his.

A few seconds later, Alice opened the door…

"Oh hello, Freddie" Alice said on seeing the General, clearly surprised to see him. She had thought it would have been her best friend, Louise. Alice had not seen the General for a couple of years and was slightly taken aback at seeing him now, dressed in full military uniform. She assumed he was here to see her father, who was also in the army.

"Hello, Alice, how are you?"

"Oh, I am fine Freddie…" Alice had always referred to him by his first name, rather than his official title. "Err I am sorry, but my father is not here, he is actually in Iraq…"

"Yes, yes I know, I sent him there!"

"Yes, of course you did. Silly me. Err, well…"

"I am actually here to see your lovely mother, her Aunt wants me to give her this." Freddie then waived an envelope. "Is she in?" Of course, Freddie knew that Debbie was out. He had arranged for her to be away today, she would soon be fucking some of his friends. It was all a ruse to get Alice alone.

"No, she is actually out, she left early today…" The naïve daughter replied.

"Oh, not to worry. Well, I suppose I should have called before I arrived. Do you mind if I come in, I have a quick call to make?"

"No, of course not Freddie, please, come in…"

"Thank you and perhaps I can give you a lift to school when I am finished?"

"Oh, yes, thanks very much…"

Freddie made his way inside. Once in, he was not entirely sure how things would progress. His strategy was to get Alice talking about her mother, he would then have to play it by instinct, hoping events would conspire in his favour. For a man used to the most meticulous of planning, this was far from satisfactory, but without any means to coerce the girl, he had no other option.

Freddie picked up the telephone and started to make a call to his office - he was dialling himself knowing that no one would pick up. "Can I get you a cup of tea, Freddie?" Alice asked.

"Yes, dear, that would be lovely. And why don't you make one for yourself, be nice to catch up, it's been a while."

Alice obeyed and scurried off into the kitchen.

Five minutes later she returned holding two steaming mugs of tea. She had 15 minutes before school started and thought it would be nice to catch up with him. She had always liked him and, to be honest, after the few days she had just had, she appreciated the friendly company. Freddie had completed his "call" and was sitting in an armchair next to the phone. Alice gave him his cup of tea and went to sit herself down in a chair directly opposite him.

Freddie looked at Alice, despite her attempts to appear dull and unattractive, it was impossible to hide her beauty. The round glasses were annoying but they did nothing to hide her angelic, beautiful young face. The baggy clothes may have gone some way to disguise those lovely girly curves, but nothing could prevent those enormous breasts from thrusting out and upwards for all to enjoy. And when she sat down, enough of those slim legs were on display to indicate the promise that lay above. Freddie knew that she had a body to die for, it was just a question of how quickly he could reveal it in all its glory.

At first there was the usual small talk - catching up on what Alice was doing at school, which college she was looking to attend - just like her mother she was a bit of a brain box and was earmarked for Oxford or Cambridge. Freddie then moved on to her family, her grandparents, her father and then finally, on to her mother…

"And how's your mother doing these days?" He enquired eager to see what kind of reaction he would get. He was not to be disappointed since Alice immediately stopped smiling and looked down at the floor.

"Oh, she is fine, I suppose…"

Freddie said nothing for a few moments before continuing with his interrogation. "Is she keeping herself busy?"

Alice could bring herself to look at Freddie, her kind Uncle Freddie, for the mention of her mother brought those awful memories of her being @nally fucked by that huge cock to the forefront of her mind. She wanted to scream out and say "Yes! She is very busy in fact. Busy being an unfaithful whore!" But of course she could not. Instead she whispered, "I think she is ok…"

"Good! Good, I know how Debbie likes to make sure she has her fill of things to keep her satisfied. And you know I saw her just the other day at a restaurant, she was looking very happy. She must have been with a friend of hers, good looking chap, could not recognise him but they seemed to be having a very good time…"

Oh My God! A good looking friend, a male friend, having a good time, Freddie must have seen her with her lover, she thought. This was too much. This was getting out of hand. Her mother's indiscretion was sure to bring shame on their family, especially her poor father.

"Do you know who he was? They seemed awfully friendly…"

Clearly he was suspicious. Clearly he suspected something. That must have been why he was here, today, to confront her mother, his wife's niece, to tell her to stop bringing shame on the family. Alice found all of this too unsettling. Despite earlier telling herself that she was able to handle the situation, she did not figure on someone else knowing. Tears began to swell up in her eyes and she could feel her face turning a bright shade of red. She did not know what to say. All she knew was that she needed to be alone. Without saying anything, she got up and ran out of the room, tears pouring down her face, embarrassed by what was happening to her. She fled upstairs to the relative safety of her bedroom.

As soon as she had left the room, a big smile came across Freddie's face. Things were going better than expected. He got up and followed Alice up to her bedroom.

When he got there the door was slightly open and he entered to find her sitting on her bed sobbing her heart out. "What's wrong, my dear? What happened down there?" he asked, in his most sincere tone.

Alice could not stop crying. How could she tell the truth to this kind old man? "N-nothing, I am sorry, I-I don't know what came over me…"

"Well, you do seem mighty upset? Was it something I said? You know I am 60 years old and I am sometimes prone to say things which are not appropriate. It's just that I can't think what I could have said to cause you get so upset, my dear? Sometimes I don't understand the youth of today"

"No, no, it's not you, it's oh… I don't think I can say…"

Freddie could see that she was close. Close to telling him about her mother. Progress was being made. As such he decided to make himself more comfortable. He noticed that there was a pink armchair opposite the bed where Alice was sitting. He walked over to it. On top were numerous teddy bears. Unceremoniously he brushed them on to the floor and sat himself down.

Now for the first time he was able to properly get a good look at Alice's bedroom. Predictably, for a girl of her age, it was girly and pink. The wall was covered by pink flowery wallpaper and pictures of pop bands. There was a dresser with a mirror on top with make up - a sign that she was developing into a woman - but her girly touch remained as indicated by the numerous teddy bears that were carefully placed on top of her well made bed. A typical bedroom for any teenage girl he thought.

"Alice, you can tell me what's wrong. Clearly something is bothering you and you should not be getting yourself so upset. Whatever it is, it can't be that bad. Come on, you can tell good old Uncle Freddie, you know you can trust me. And I promise you, as an officer and a gentleman, not to tell your parents. We'll treat it as top secret, hey, just like those military secrets that I get told every day." At this Alice laughed. She had fond memories of Freddie and as she looked up at this kind old man she thought yes, she could trust him, couldn't she? He was a respected General in the British army and you don't get to that position without being able to exercise good judgment. If she shared her burden with him then perhaps he could give her some good advice? But it was still so difficult to tell anyone what Alice had witnessed. "It's ok, my dear, whatever it is, we'll get through it, together." Freddie said eager for her to spill the beans.

"Yes, it's just that, well I am going to find this very difficult to tell you. I am not sure I can…"

"Of you course you can, whatever it is, I am sure I have come across it before, I am an old hand you know! And I assure you, we will get through it together. You and me."

Alice looked up at his kind face. His assurance and kind words was comforting and she started to believe that they could get through this together. So, with a little hesitancy, she opened her sweet mouth and told Freddie exactly what she had seen that fateful evening…

Of course, her tale came as no shock to Freddie. Indeed he enjoyed hearing about how appalled Alice was at seeing this faceless man with "his very large penis" doing all those horrible things to her mother. At the end of the tale Alice was exhausted and out of breath, tears were streaming down her cheek due to relief, rather than sadness, as she was finally able to unload her burden on to someone else.

Freddie looked on with a feeling of smug self satisfaction. He felt that he had Alice exactly where he wanted: in a state of emotional turmoil and eager for him to guide her. And Alice was looking up at him, wanting guidance, wanting him to say something, to express outrage at what he had heard and to offer a solution to get her out of her nightmare. Instead he said nothing. Silence enveloped the room, which caused Alice to feel even more uneasy. She was now terrified that she had said too much, that Freddie was perhaps too shocked to say anything, or, perhaps even worse, that he did not believe her story, that she was making it up as part of some teenage hysterical fantasy.

Freddie crossed his legs, looked down and fiddled with the crease on his trousers. He was deliberately keeping the poor girl waiting. He wanted her to fell uncomfortable after she had confessed. He knew the silence would make her even more anxious. Making her weaker for his attack. Thirty seconds or so passed although for Alice it felt more like an hour. Finally she could stand it no longer and screamed out: "Well, what do you think? What do you think I should do? You do believe me, don't you? Oh please, Freddie, help me!"

Freddie looked up at her and, as calm as you like, said, "Well, to be honest you with Alice, it comes as no surprise!"

This response was unexpected and Alice responded accordingly. "Comes as no surprise? What do you mean? How can you say that? My mother was being unfaithful. And in such a horrible, disgusting way. That should be a surprise to everyone!" She was now screaming out in anger at Freddie, confused as to why he was being so calm and behaving in such an irrational way. She expected him to be incredulous with disbelief at how her mother had behaved. Instead, here was this calm man, seemingly nonplussed about what she had told him. And she wanted to know why? Surely his reaction was a mistake?

"Freddie, you must understand me, my mother was unfaithful, and she is a horrible person. You must agree with me?"

Freddie smiled at her, which only infuriated her further.

"Alice my dear, life is a complex tapestry. On the face it, yes, I suppose you could say that it is terrible, that she should never have done those things, but life is rarely that simple…"

"I-I don't know what you mean. For me it is very simple. What she did was wrong, there is nothing complicated about it at all!" She screamed back becoming increasingly frustrated with him.

"Yes, yes, you are naturally devastated that your mother has chosen to behave this why." Freddie calmly replied, hysterical girls needed to know that at such times men would always remain calm. "But have you asked yourself "why"?"


"Yes, why did she do these things, after all it sounds like that she was not raped, so we can only assume that she consented to all those "awful" things? She must have had a reason?"

Alice for a few seconds said nothing. Freddie's calmness under her fire had unnerved her. And she hated to admit it, but he was right. In all her anger she had never properly considered the reasons behind her mother's infidelity. She had just believed, from the outset, that her mother was in the wrong. She had a strong inner conviction about such moral issues which stemmed from her deeply conservative religious upbringing. Such people always thought they were right and thought anyone who disagreed with them were dangerous liberals. As such, there should be no need for Alice, nor anyone else for that matter, to delve any further and look for explanations, or even excuses, for why her mother had allowed another man to fuck her in her arse. It was wrong. End of. Let's deal with it and try and move on. She was about to tell Freddie as much when he again spoke.

"You see Alice, before we look at ways at handling this "dreadful" situation, it might help if we understood what made her behave in this way. I think it would help you properly formulate the correct response."

Alice thought about this. Perhaps Freddie had a point? There may be no harm in understanding what made someone, who was supposedly a loving caring wife, who was also deeply religious, become a whore. "Well, I suppose we could, I have not really thought about what made my mother do all those shameful things. I suppose it wouldn't do any harm…" She was still convinced that there was nothing Freddie could say that would assuage her burning anger or make her think any differently of her mother.

Freddie, seeing that he was making progress, decided to step up has attack and provide his own unique analysis of events.

"Well, in my humble opinion Alice, and I don't think you are going to like this, your mother's behaviour is a natural reaction to the society we live in today and the terrible burden it places on women. You see your mum, is confused about the role she should play in life. Women these days are pressurised into having a career, family and, at the same time, being a great wife. It is all too much for them. It was much easier, say 50 years ago, when a woman knew exactly what her place and role in society was.

"And your mother is a classic victim of all these pressures. If we look at her life, she had you at a relatively young age, at 18 I think, and she had to put to bed any thoughts of going to Oxford and pursuing a career in law - something I understand you are keen to do yourself. Now, I think she has regretted this and had spent the rest of her life yearning for some other great purpose, something to fulfil her, rather than being happy with what she has got. Had she been born in the 1950s, I am sure being a mother would have been sufficient. She would have realised that her role was first and foremost, to be a mother and a good wife to your father. And by being a good wife I mean by pleasing him however he wanted and doing what he said. Anything else would have been irrelevant.

"As such, I think she now leads a confused life. On the one hand she is delighted at being a mother, but on the other she is looking for something else. Something to alleviate the boredom. As you get older and become less dependent on her, she needs something to fill the void. I suspect she had discussed this with your father and, like any good man, he would have told her that what she had should make her happy - a lovely home, daughter, loving husband and she should just get on with enjoying life.

"But because of the pressures I alluded to earlier, this is not enough for her. She wants something else. Your father has probably told her she cannot work - you come first. So she has looked for something a little more forbidden, something away from him that only she knows. And that is why she had sought out another man. This new man, I suspect, is filling the void in your mother's life.

"And you are right, this is totally unacceptable. Debbie should accept that she is a woman whose purpose in life should be serving your father's needs and wishes."

When finished with his unique analysis, Alice looked at him dumfounded. She did not know where to start. She was a committed feminist. Her dowdy image was testament to that. She wanted to be taken seriously in life, not someone who was just looked on as a fine piece of meat. What Freddie seemed to be saying was that women should be servile housewives and be at the beck and call of their husbands - basically subjugate their lives for the happiness of their man. This was a complete anathema to her and she intended to let Freddie know exactly what she thought of his outdated views.

"That is absolute nonsense! How can you say that about women? Women have progressed these past 50 years because we have been given equal rights - the right to have a career, the right to progress in society. Equality of women's rights is one of the great success stories of the twentieth century. Why should we go back to the days when we were miserable and treated like second class citizens? We should not be junior to men, we are their equal in every way and your views are a load of outdated tosh!" She screamed out, her response delivered with as much anger as she could muster. She had almost forgotten that the debate's original purpose was to discover why her mother was a whore.

Despite her reaction, Freddie merely looked at her and smiled. Her response was entirely predictable and one that he had deliberately provoked. His plan was working.

"You say women were miserable in the 1950s? Well, that's interesting. Why don't we look at that in a little more detail? Now, you say you want to go to university, is that correct?"

Alice could not understand what on earth could be gained by this line of questioning, but she decided to play along, for now at least. "Yes, I expect I will be going to Oxford in a couple of years." She had crossed her arms and folded her legs. Despite sounding confident, Freddie sensed she was on the defensive.

"Oxford? Very good. I went there many years ago. And you want to study law, is that right?"


"And after that, I suppose you want to go to London, to the City, and work for one of the big firms, the ones that specialise in all that high finance that I hear so much about these days?"

"Well, yes, I suppose so. And how is this relevant? I mean…"

Freddie put up his hand to indicate that she was to be quiet. She instinctively shut up.

"Patience. I will come to that in a moment. Now, as I understand, these lawyers tend to work very hard, sometimes 60-80 hour weeks. Are you able for that?"

"Of course I am, women can do anything that a man can do!"

"Of course they can, and I am sure you would be a very successful lawyer. And what do you intend to do after that?"

"After that? What do you mean?"

"Well, do you just intend on being a lawyer for the rest of you life, or do you want to do something else? I mean, where do you see yourself when you are say, 30?"