A Dish Best Served Cold Ch. 07


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Her orgasmic scream set off Lee’s explosion of seminal fluid deep in her sheath. He collapsed on her chest to recover while his spasming cock emptied itself as it flagged. When it finally slipped out of her, Lee raised up and kissed Teesha lightly on the lips, getting a warm smile in return.

With a sly grin, he bent down and placed another kiss on each of her nipples, then pressed his lips to her, between her mounds, and blew a raspberry, eliciting the laughter which drove Thelma from Max’s office.

“Why do you think Mr. C. is your father? Did your mother say something?” he asked.

“No; she doesn’t know I know. Last Christmas, I was getting some wrapping paper from her closet and found a box of old pictures. There were some of her and him, naked. She told me she was working here when she was my age. Looking at her height and his, and mine, it doesn’t take a lot of imagination.

“I don’t blame her, or him. He was a good lookin’ man, ‘n’ he had recently lost his wife, I guess. People got needs. Sometimes there’s an itch it takes two to scratch, ya know?”

Lee grinned. “Yeah, I know, like now.” Teesha grinned and hugged him.

Releasing him, she said, “I gotta get back to work or the boss’ll have my ass,” She gave him a sideways look, “unless you’re willing to vouch for me.” she went on, grinning.

Lee laughed. “Depends. What’ll you give me?”

“Well, last time, you said twice a week.”

“I did? Well...”

“But you weren’t attached then, so I’d understand if you had to cut it down to once, but could it be at the end of the day? This has screwed up my schedule something awful. At the end of the day, I could clean you up properly,” she said, running her tongue around her lips, suggestively.

“Okay. Mondays at four then, or four-thirty.”

“Four-thirty, that’s when the bosses leave, isn’t it? That way, Bill, my boss won’t be here to check up on me.”

“Four-thirty it is, Monday.”

She walked up to him and put her arms around his neck. “Thank you, boss man. I think I’m gonna like doing my white cousin.”

Lee put his hands on her hips and pulled her close. He leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Me, too, cousin.” He slid his hands down to grip her butt. “By the way, did anyone ever tell you, you have a nice ass.” He gave it a friendly swat. “Now get it out of here before I report you for sexual harassment.” She laughed and skipped out the door.

His ‘re-unions’ with Thelma and Ashley were similar, both of them more than eager for his cock. Matters at work took up much of Lee’s time, launching the two new lines–manufacturing the hardware bases for industrial robots and laser-based tools. He had been able to enlist Don’s help in designing an ad campaign, not only in industry trade mags, but also in some of the more scientifically oriented pop magazines.

It had been sufficiently successful that the company experienced enough of an up tick in business to make it necessary to add an evening shift to meet the increased demand. When it was announced and volunteers solicited to work the later shift, Virginia had come to him.

He and Max were going over the personnel roster to see whom they could approach if there weren’t enough volunteers, and how many new hires they might need when Thelma buzzed them and said Virginia Bridges wanted to talk to them. After coming in and greeting them, she sat down and stared at her lap for a long moment.

“Ron would shoot me if he knew I was doing this,” she began. “If you haven’t settled on an evening foreman yet, please consider Ron. Not only is he the senior employee in the shop, he also has the broadest range of experience of anyone else on the floor. There isn’t a machine out there he hasn’t used, if not mastered.

“The only reason he hasn’t asked for the job is that he doesn’t think you’d consider him because he doesn’t have the education he thinks you want; all he has is a GED and a year of trade school.” She paused to look at them, and saw them nodding to each other.

Taking it as a good sign, she continued, “Along with that, I think you should also transfer me to the evening shift. Rick is on top of the problems with the guys in customer service and their lack of follow through. He can handle them, and if there were any problems, we could discuss them at shift change.

“I could supervise the evening crew, which is when most of the problems crop up anyhow, with mostly foreign orders coming in.”

Lee grinned at Max. “Not to mention that if Ron accepts the foreman job, they’d be working the same hours, maybe having time for some skizzling over supper hour.”

Virginia looked at him, her face a map of surprise and shock, and then laughed, realizing he was teasing her. “Lee! How could you...well, knowing Ian, I know how you could, but...”

“Oh, come on, Virginia,” chided Max, “don’t try to tell us you hadn’t thought about it.”

“Welllll,” the older woman answered, with a small smile. “But I’m asking mostly for Ron. He deserves it, and won’t ask for himself.”

“Frankly, Virginia, he was near the top of the list of people we were thinking about. The two ahead of him have already said they didn’t want to work late, so...”

“Thank you, Lee. If Max weren’t here, I’d thank you like I used to thank Ian, but I don’t think she’d like...”

“Show me,” Max interrupted, “and if it’s what I think it is, you can thank us both, if you don’t mind Lee ...”

Virginia cut her off by getting up and stepping in front of her to place a kiss on her lips. At five foot six inches, and a hundred and thirty pounds, Virginia was a nicely rounded, feminine woman. At sixty, she was still young enough to want more loving than her husband could deliver with his fingers and tongue. Max’s invitation started her juices flowing.

She stood up from the kiss and moved her hands to her waist to unfasten the waistband of her slacks. She pushed them and her panties down her legs until they fell by themselves to pool around her feet. Dropping to her knees, she pushed Max’s legs apart and slid her hands up under the younger woman’s skirt to grab her panties.

“Lee, as long as it’s my pussy, you do what ever you want to back there while I tend to your sister.” Barely a second later, she could hear the sound of a zipper, then felt Lee’s legs brush against the outside of hers. His hand was exploring her lady, caressing her lips, probing her opening, tapping her clit, while she was copying his actions with her tongue on Max.

Both ladies were moaning with pleasure. Max’s fingers were tangled in Virginia’s hair, pulling her face into Max’s puss. Virginia was doing her best to reach Max’s g-spot with her tongue when Lee invaded her pussy with his eight-inch rod. Her moan echoed in Max’s cavern, setting off the pregnant woman’s orgasm.

The combination of suddenly being filled after being empty so long, the stimulation of her clit and g-spot, and her reaction to Max repeatedly thrusting her cunt into Virginia’s face while her thighs clamped the greying head in place, tripped Virginia’s own orgasm.

Her moan rivaled Max’s in volume and her hips were trying to propel her through a four-minute mile. It was enough to speed Lee to one of the quickest climaxes he had experienced since his early teens. The warmth of his spend on her inner walls bumped Virginia’s climax up a couple of notches, extending it several seconds, milking Lee’s cock of all his spend.

When she finally stopped moving, Lee sat back on his heels, pulling his cock from Virginia’s quim, eliciting a loud groan of disappointment. She felt the tension in Max’s hands release and copied Lee, sitting back on her own heels. Lee’s hands came around her to cradle her breasts as he kissed the side of her neck. “Wow, that was...wow,” was all he said.

She nodded and looked up at Max, who was still sitting with her legs spread, her eyes closed and a wide smile on her face. Virginia watched as Max opened her eyes and, if possible, gave her a wider smile. “Mmhmm,” was all the young pregnant woman said and closed her eyes again.

Virginia looked back over her shoulder to Lee. She half turned on her knees and pulled him to her for a kiss. “Thank you; that was more than good. I wish it could have lasted longer, but it’s probably fortunate that it didn’t. I better get back to work or folks might talk.”

“If you say so. Feel free to come back to...get my input on any problems you might have,” he said, with a sexy leer.

“Just like your father, I swear,” she laughed getting up and pulling her clothes up. “Ron thinks I came up to talk about my department. When you talk to him bout the foreman job, please don’t mention me.” She looked up at Lee. “He knew about Ian, and even arranged for him and me...but I don’t know how he’s going to react when I tell him about today.”

“You’re going to tell him?”

“I have to; he accepts me having other men since he can’t get hard, but I have to tell him. It’s been a long time since the last time, with your father, and the others have always been about our age. Never anyone as young as you. I almost feel like a cradle robber.”

Max opened her eyes, smiling. “More like a cougar, Ginnie.”

The older woman laughed. “Nobody’s called me that since...I can’t remember.”

“Since you, Thelma and Dad?”

The sixty-year-old woman smiled. “Yeah, before she left.”

Max stood up, pulled on her panties and adjusted them around her growing belly. “You’re looking good, Max, very motherly. How far along are you now?”

“Five and a half months. It seems like five and half years, though. The doctor says she’s never seen twins grow this fast. She’s talking about a caesarean about thirty-six or thirty-seven weeks if it keeps up.”

“Don’t let her. Keep them in as long as you can. They’ll be healthier if you do.” Max nodded her understanding.

“Thank you guys, for everything this afternoon. Lee, if Ron isn’t too upset about this afternoon, I might take you up on your invitation, with Max’s permission of course.”

“Just like you and Ron,” Max said. “As long as I hear about it from him first.” She looked at Lee. “Whether or not he has my permission ahead of time.”

Lee closed the door after Virginia, then turned to look at his sister. “Did you mean what you said, ‘as long as you hear about it from me first?’ Like Pete and Rosa.”

“Like Pete and Rosa? Yeah, I think. We’ve created quite a harem for you here, and it doesn’t seem fair to just cut them off when the babies are born. Let’s try not to make it too much bigger, though, okay? As long as you don’t go outside your present group, I don’t even have to know who and when, or even if.

“But, and this is a major but, just like Pete and Rosa, if you do go outside the present group, I need to know it from you before I hear it from anybody else; and you have to promise not to get angry or upset if I have sex with someone else, just like Pete and Rosa, understand?”

Lee looked at her, nodding his understanding. “And like Pete, I can’t think of any circumstance where I would even think of being with someone else. Once the babies are born, I’ll start cutting back with my harem, as you call it. You’re all the woman I want, Maxie. I don’t need anyone else,” he told her, slipping his arms around her waist and pulling her as close as her swollen stomach would permit.

She smiled at him, knowing he was telling her the truth. She reached up and rubbed his nose with her forehead. “I love you, too, Lee. We’ll see. Life and fate have a nasty habit of demanding their say.”

It was the week before Christmas. There was an air of subdued gaiety at Carruthers Machine Tool. Implementation of the extended hours had gone without a hitch and orders were up. Max, Lee and Ashley were sitting in Lee’s office discussing the overall situation. Ashley had just brought up Don and his behavior for the past few weeks.

“He hasn’t approached me for sex but a half dozen times since that day you told him I would be willing to service him.

“Besides that, he’s been taking off in the middle of the day quite a bit, and not returning until the next day. He just tells me if there are any calls, I should handle them. And most Mondays when he comes in, he’s a mess, like he had just driven in from a cat house.”

“Hmmh,” Lee responded. “What‘s he been like to work with?”

“At first, he was okay, polite and considerate. Lately, more like he was before you two got married,” she said looking at Max. “Crude, lewd and loud, not caring who heard what. I’ve heard him on the phone talking to Marco, saying someone will pay back their debt, one way or another.”

Lee and Max traded glances. “Okay, Ash; anything else? Any problems with the rest of the staff?” She shook her head.

“No, in fact they usually come to me instead of Don for instructions. I keep him informed of what I tell them, but all he does is nod and wave me out of the room. He just sits there and watches the stock market ticker on his computer.”

“Do we have any idea how his stock is doing?”

“I’m sort of keeping an eye on his accounts. With the end of the year up tick, he’s only down about fifteen thousand from his last deposits. If the market holds, he’s likely to make it up this week.”

Lee sat up and stretched. “Fine, Ash. Thanks. If you can, keep a closer eye on those accounts. Coming up on the end of the year, Marco may want his money where he can control it directly.”

Ashley stood up to leave. “We on for this afternoon?”

“Uhhh, Christmas party this afternoon, remember? I’m going to have to bug out around one, and probably won’t be back until Monday.”

“Poop! I was hoping...”

“I’ll see you get some extra time with him next week, Ash. I’m afraid taking care of four women is proving a bit taxing on our guy. Give him a couple of days. Monday he should be ready to redefine your world.” Max hugged the big blonde and walked her to the door.

Christmas came and went without any untoward incidents. Lee and Max spent a quiet weekend with Ian and Edie. Pete and Rosa spent the week before and the week after Christmas visiting and introducing themselves to their future families, to the delight of all.

Ashley spent the holiday with her family, and reconnected with an old boyfriend from high school. Thelma and Teesha visited relatives in Rochester for a joyous holiday.

Virginia and Ron spent Christmas Eve with his son, and spent Christmas Day exploring new ways to arouse Virginia using a combination of fingers, tongue, and toys, taking advantage of Ron’s increased interest when Ginnie told him about her experience with Lee and Max.

Don visited his uncle, the Angel of Northport, for the holiday. After an early dinner, they were discussing business, when Marco asked him about the state of his marriage.

“It’s over, Uncle Marco.”

“Over? What happened? I thought you had that girl by the short curlies, panting to get fucked.”

“No, I was wrong about her. I thought she was a good girl, but she turned out to be a real slut. You should have seen her the night we got married. Her tits and pussy were three large hickeys, not to mention the ones on her ass.”

“So you weren’t the first dick in her cunt. Cherries are way over-rated. She should have been a good fuck anyway, then.”

“I don’t know; I was so excited I came too soon, then she just rolled over and went to sleep.”

“So? You fuck her anyway, it’s your right as a husband. They take a vow to obey...”

“No, she didn’t. She wrote her own vows, and promised to help me meet the right people socially. She said she agreed to marry me, not be my lover, and we could have sex twice a month. If I tried to force more than that, she said she’d have me arrested for rape. I checked the NY laws on the internet, and she could do that.”

Marco looked at his nephew, his older sister’s youngest child. Between her puling husband and too much mothering, they had nurtured any balls right off the poor sod. “Well then, it sounds like you’re better off, then.

“Now, how’re my deposits doing? I’ve had some unexpected expenses this month, with the holidays. In addition to the money you’re holding for me, I’m going to need a couple hundred large from that fund you and Patsy keep to cover shortages from gambling with my money.”

He glanced up at Don’s face, to see a look of horror. “What’s wrong, kid? Did you really think you could keep that kind of thing secret from me?” he laughed.

“N...No, Uncle Marco, but it... it’s gone...she...she...she gave it away, to the Riverview Community fund.”

“She? Who? Your fuckin’ wife?” Don nodded.

Marco’s eyes narrowed to slits. “How in hell did she get access to my money?” His voice was harsh, hard. Don recognized the danger signs.

“She must have hacked into my computer at home. That’s where I did all my trading, and kept track of your money. Your deposits are all there.”

“According to Patsy, you guys were down nearly fifty K a month ago. Where did that money come from?” he demanded.

“I was able to make some trades and made up most of it when the market improved. Part of the divorce settlement was that she bought back my stock in the company for twenty bucks a share, and her cousin, the dumb fuck who’s been screwing her, loaned me some, and Patsy put in his share.”

“Her cousin is screwing’ her? What kind of sicko is he?”

“I guess in NY it’s legal, even first cousins. He’s pretty smart. Somewhere between 25 and 30, he’s got his PhD in engineering and an MBA. He hired a real sharp accountant, and they found everything Patsy and I had hidden in less than ten weeks.”

“Good, the smart son of a bitch can watch me fuck the shit out of his girl friend if she doesn’t cough up the money.” He felt his wrath begin to build. Nobody took what was his, especially money.

“She’s pregnant, Uncle Marco, and I think it’s mine.” Don said, a note of pleading in his voice.

“Donny, I wouldn’t give a two-bit whore’s fuck if the little shit was mine. That cunt bitch is gonna give me my money back, or she’ll be sucking a quart of cum off my dick, unnerstand?” Marco’s face was bright red, and he was spraying spittle as he screamed at Don.

It was a few days after the New Year that Max got the call from Marco. Thelma buzzed her and Lee and told them there was a call for Max from a Marco Demare. Max went into Lee’s office and put the call on speaker phone.

“Mr. Demare, this is Maxine Pieters; how can I help you?”

“You’re still using your married name? I thought you were divorced.”

“Since we’ve never met, I don’t know what business that is of yours, but the court order dissolving the marriage hasn’t been issued yet. Until it is, I’m still legally Mrs Pieters. Now, what can I do for you?” she asked, her irritation audible

“You have something that belongs to me. I would like you to return it. Right away, if possible.” His voice was even, business like.

“I’m sorry, and what would that be?” she asked, her tone dismissive.

“A quarter of a million dollars.” His irritation at her tone began to show. “The money you stole from your husband’s bank account, money that belonged to me.”

“Under what stretch of the imagination could you think I’d believe that...” There was a laugh in her voice, as if she found him, and his claim comical.

“Mrs Pieters!” he shouted. Over the speaker came the sound of someone inhaling deeply, searching for control. “Mrs...may I call you Maxine?”

“Certainly, Marco, since you want to be on a first name basis. Go on, you were going to tell me why I should believe the money in my husband’s checking account was yours.” The laugh was still recognizable.

“Ah! Now I see where the problem is. No, not his checking account. This was a special account he kept to cover losses he incurred playing the stock market, with my money.”

“Oh, you mean the money in his preferred customer accounts.” He could hear the sound of recognition, realization in her tone. He breathed a sigh of relief.