A Dish Best Served Cold


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Now, not only did he approve, they had his blessing; and she knew her brother loved her as much as she loved him, and they would be together someday soon.

She moaned when Lee moved over her to slip his dick into her hungry hole. "Ohhhhh, yesssss. That feels so gooood. Go slow for a while; I just want to feel you in me. Mmmmmm. Hold me, love; lay on me, and just rock your little Lee in my nest. Yeah, that's it."

Max wrapped her arms and legs around Lee, pulling him tightly to her. "Ohhh, fuck, Lee, can we just stay like this all night? I don't want to let you out. Can you move, just a little? Mmmm, that 's right, like that. Fuck me slow, brother, fuck me slow and nice. Yeah, that's right."

If you have ever found yourself in this position, buried to your balls in a wet, willing woman, trying to prolong a slow pace, you know there are only two outcomes. You will fall asleep, which usually happens after the other alternative--slowly, you begin to move faster, and faster, and faster, and faster until you can no longer stop and then, SHAZAM!!!!!!!

Max's climactic screams and Lee's grunts and groans elicited laughs and cheers from the bedroom across the hall where Edie and Ian were finishing the 'liaison' the younger couple had interrupted earlier. "Go to Hell!" retorted a laughing Lee, eliciting more laughter.

It a was a busy week. They found an apartment for Lee and called Pete to pack up his clothes to ship them back to Lee. Arrangements were made for Lee to return in the Fall to ready his house for listing with a leasing agent. On Wednesday, he went into work, to meet with his dad and complete the hiring process. He met 'Oily Don,' and could be seen wiping his hand on his trousers as Don left the room.

Max's appointments with Edie's seamstress went well, even if her choice of fabric and fit caused some lifted eyebrows. Finding, installing and testing the video system was an afternoon's work. Max spoke with Ian, then called Don and the venue for the ceremony and reception was changed to Ian's house.

Edie had only planned to stay through the night they had returned. She extended her stay until after the wedding, setting up a string of nights of "Dueling Bedsprings."

Friday night, in Max's bedroom, the twins faced each other, naked as newborns. Lee surveyed his handi(mouth)work on Max's body. Gently he turned her to look in the full length mirror on her closet door. She saw a tall (5-10), willowy, busty, beauty whose body was marked by numerous love bites strategically placed to announce her recent sexcapades.

Lee's arms reached around her to trace the line of bruises around her breasts and vulva. "Think we have enough? These will last until you get back next week."

Max turned her head to kiss his cheek. "And then we can start making new ones." She took hold of his wrists, halting their movement. "Just hold me tonight.

"Then in the morning, before everyone gets here, I want you to fuck me, and I do mean fuck--nothing gentle or fancy, just unload your cum in me, in my pussy, my ass, my mouth, as much as you can. Okay?" Her somber eyes caught and held his in the mirror.

He nodded. "Whatever you want, Maxie. You know that. Just tell me what you want or need."

A single tear made its way down her cheek. "Thank you, Lee. I love you." She turned in his arms. "Are we...Is what we're doing right?"

"I don't know, love. From what you have told me, it's the only way to get Dad clear. We'll know better after Pete has a chance to look at the books. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to do that before the wedding, but we'll get you out as soon as we can."

She nodded and buried her head in his shoulder, her arms around him, pressing her naked breasts to his bare chest.She tilted her head back to look at her brother, a smile on her lips. "Wake me up with a fuck, will you?"

"Your wish..." he smiled.

In spite of her desire to just be held, Max needed Lee to bring her to a series of small climaxes before she could get to sleep. He used his fingers and tongue to settle her nerves. The velvety caress of his tongue on her labia as she finally fell asleep was, in fact, the first thing she was aware of when she woke up on her wedding day.

Her appreciative moan alerted Lee to her wakening. He moved up over her body, his heat seeking missile homing in unerringly. Her deeper moan told him she was ready to begin the day they had planned.

It wasn't gentle, or caring, or beautiful. It was animal rutting, and it was effective. By the time it was necessary for her to begin to dress he had left several loads of cum in her cunt and mouth. He had just unloaded the second in her ass.

"Don't go away, yet, " she ordered him. She went to her dresser and pulled out a strange, sling shot looking item, and stepped into it. A thin, flesh colored band fit just above her hips, with strings front and back positioning a one by three inch piece of dark fabric over her slit and asshole.

"What's that?" Lee asked, lying on the bed, watching her as she slipped on her wedding dress.

"It's my cunt cover, to keep your cum inside of me during the ceremony. Can you see it through the dress?"

Lee got up and walked around her. "Nope, not even a 'panty line' shows," he answered, making quote marks in the air.

"Good. Do you mind hanging out with me here, until the ceremony starts? I want to clean your cock just before I go down. What's that, a half hour or so?"

"I told you, Max, whatever..."

"I know, Lee, it's just...Unnnnhhg. Damn him to Hell!!! Before I clean you, shove that cock of yours back into my ass. And come in my mouth again. My first kiss with my new husband should be memorable, don't you think?"

Over Ian's outdoor speakers came the opening notes to Mendelson's Wedding March. The thirty or forty guests stood up and turned to see Max at the head of the aisle, wrapped in a dark red cloak. When everyone was looking at her, she dropped her covering, eliciting gasps and whispers from the small assemblage.

Max stood there in the mid-afternoon sunshine. looking like her dress had been sewn on her. it drew tightly across her breasts which looked like two Target ads, side by side. Down below, the darkness at the top of her thighs drew attention like it was a black hole. She hesitated for a slow three count.

Then she slowly sashayed the short distance to her waiting groom, whose face resembled nothing so much as a thundercloud, and took his arm. As Ian took his place behind her, she handed the minister a small piece of paper. He looked at the handwriting on the outer fold, "My Vows."

The minister began reading, "Dearly beloved..." while Lee slipped unnoticed into the back of the crowd. When it came to reciting the marriage vows, in the absence of Don's individually written pledge, the clergyman continued with the traditional form. With Don's "I do" still sounding in the air, he opened Max's vows. "Do you, Maxine, pledge to be a good wife, doing what is necessary to support Donald in his efforts to advance socially and in his career?"

Don stood there, his mouth agape as Max answered. Max accepted Don's ring, but did not provide one for him. She heard the minister pronounce them man and wife and raised her face to receive her first kiss as a married woman.

Don leaned forward to kiss her and caught the scent of her halitosis. Overcoming the repulsion it created, he closed his mouth over hers, surprised when he felt her tongue slip in between his teeth. It was then he noticed the sweet, salty, acrid, and slightly musky taste.

He experienced a fleeting memory of cleaning his butt after a shit, but it swiftly disappeared when Max pushed her hips into his, grinding them in a slow thrusting circle, and growling in his mouth.

As the new couple turned to face the wedding guests, the assemblage crowded around them, offering their congratulations and best wishes. Don received many knowing winks and nudges from the men in the company, and several looks of disapproval from the churchly women on his side of the family.

He watched as Max made her way around the crowd, offering her cheek to everyone. He was surprised to see Lee in the crowd, when Max approached him and offered him only her hand.

It took him a bit, but he eventually found himself standing next to Lee at the makeshift bar. "Brock, I'm surprised to see you here. I thought this was a family only affair."

"That's what I thought when Ian invited me. I'm in town this week, looking for a place. When Ian learned that, he suggested I stay with him and use his place as my base of operations. He insisted when he found out I grew up not far from the town where his original plant was located.

"In fact, my father used to work there. And in a way, I am family. My grandmother is Ian's aunt on his father's side, so in a way, your new wife and I are cousins. I never can figure out all that once and twice removed shit, but that's life. Had no idea until I met Ian this week.

"So, where you going on your honeymoon? Somewhere exotic, I expect."

"Hey, Tiger, your Mom wants to talk to us," Max interrupted, slipping her arm around Don's waist. "She said something about children." As she led her new husband away, Max glanced back over her shoulder to her brother, blowing him a kiss.

Mrs Pieters was asking her son when they were leaving on their honeymoon, expecting them to excuse themselves soon to go change.

"Oh, no," interjected Max, "we're going to spend the night right here. I thought I'd like my first time, well my first time married, anyhow," she giggled, "to be in the bed I grew up in. Won't that be kinky?"

She laughed again, shaking her shoulders and hips, causing her dress to slide over her bouncing breasts and hips, making the bruises around those areas more evident.

Mrs Pieters eyes widened as she blushed at the forwardness and near nudity of her new daughter-in-law. She was even more surprised when Max leaned forward and kissed her full on the lips, her tongue briefly invading her mother-in-law's mouth.

Mrs Pieters briefly gagged on the odor of Max's mouth. "Dear, you should have something to eat and drink. I imagine you haven't had a thing all day."

With an extremely sexy leer, Max answered, "Well, now, that wouldn't be proper for a bride would it, to have a 'thing' on her wedding day, especially to eat in public?"

Mrs Pieters stammered,"uh, uh, uh..." blushing at the double entendre', as her son hurried his bride away.

"You shouldn't talk to my mother that way; she's..." He groped and failed to find the word, "and go wash your mouth out and get something to eat. Your breath smells like shit."

Max's face looked shocked, horrified, except for the smile in her eyes. "Oh, no! Oh, dear! How... But..."

"And that vow you wrote? What the hell..."

Max put her fingers over his mouth. "Hush! Later, Donnie. We can talk later. We don't want to have a fight at our wedding reception, do we?" She turned and walked away, leaving him to gawk after her, staring at the visible crack of her ass.

The sky was just beginning to darken when the last of the wedding guests pulled out of the driveway. Ian and Edie walked Don and Max back into the house. The caterers were busy finishing up, cleaning the back yard and kitchen.

"Well, Don, welcome to the family. Max can show you to your room, the one which will always be waiting whenever you visit. Have fun.

"Edie and I are going to go down and watch TV for a while with my distant cousin, Lee. Funny thing that." He looked at his daughter. "Did you know when you hired him, his dad used to work for us out in Indiana?"

"Really," she smiled. "Imagine that. Small world. Well, see you guys tomorrow, maybe." She took hold of Don's arm and pulled him along to her second floor room. She pushed open the door, and the cameras started.

Max walked over to her dresser and picked up the zipper aide. She hooked it into the zipper tab and turned to face Don. His face was a mixture of anger and desire. She reached behind her and slowly pulled down her zipper. The only sounds in the room were the rasp of the zipper and Don's heavy breathing.

When the tab reached the bottom of the zipper, Max removed the aide and walked to her new husband. "Can you help me, or do you want to watch?"

"W...w...atch," he choked out.

She backed away a few steps and shrugged the dress forward off her shoulders, catching it on her elbows just before it reached her breasts. The faint outline of the hickeys surrounding her mammas was just visible. Don felt his cock lurch, beginning to grow. Max smiled. "Good so far?"

He nodded, dumbstruck.

Max reached up and slowly pulled the left shoulder of the dress down to her nipple, letting it hang there. She waited a few seconds, then did the same on the right side.

"Still good?"

"You bitch," Don choked out, nodding. "You fucking bitch!"

"Why, Donnie, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice as sweet as spring sap, letting the dress drop to her waist.

"You were still a virgin when I..."

"Hardly," she laughed. "I don't know what records Dr. Mike showed you, or whose, but I was a regular attraction at the frat parties when I was in school.

"Does that disappoint you? I hope not, because you went to an awful lot of trouble to get into this pussy. So what if you're not the first. It belongs to you, now."

She let the dress drop to the floor and stood before him naked, having removed her cunt cover during one of her bathroom visits during the reception.

He saw her breasts, ringed by bruises, capped with smaller rings around her nipples. Her inner thighs were purple and brown with hickeys, and the black topping her slit wasn't all from her bush.

She twirled for him, revealing the large patch of bites on the crest of each ass cheek. "All yours."

She walked to him and reached for his belt. He didn't move as she unfastened it. Her hand slid down over the front of his pants, searching for his hardness. It fit neatly into the palm of her hand.

With the tips of her fingers against his sack, his five inch cock almost reached the heel of her palm. Pressing against it, she judged correctly that it wasn't quite as wide as two of her fingers pressed together. She smiled, "Mmmmm, nice."

She opened his pants and pushed them down, then lay down on the bed. "Well, husband, I'm waiting."

With a moaning groan, Don pulled off his shirt and stepped out of his pants. Without removing his boxers he jumped on the bed, between Max's knees. She held up her hand.

"You'd better use a rubber. My period is due to start anytime now, and you don't want that menstrual blood all over you, do you?"

"Ahh, no, I guess, but I..."

"In the drawer, there. Better safe than sorry, right?"

He nodded, fumbling with the wrapper. Finally getting it on, he positioned himself between Max's knees once more. "Oh, Sweetie, I'm afraid I'm starting to get dry. Can you kiss my coochie for a bit; that always gets me wet again real fast?"

Don blanched, but lowered his head between Max's thighs, his tongue tentatively touching the area around her labia. "Oh, baby, that's good, but right in the middle; yessss, that's it. Mmmmm, oh, baby you could make me come like this. Okay, I'm ready now."

In a hurry, Don moved up, away from the bittersweet taste of Max's snatch. There had been something familiar about the taste and smell but, in his excitement, he couldn't place it. He penetrated his wife and began to thrust.

Don wasn't a virgin, but this was the first time he hadn't had to pay for it directly. His first time had been part of a high school fraternity foray to an Arkansas whorehouse when he was seventeen.

Later that year, he had been dating a moonshiner's fourteen year old daughter who was willing to do anything, depending on the gift she got in return. In college, he hadn't been rushed by any fraternity, so never got to experience the frat parties, but did find a few girls like the moonshiner's daughter, just more expensive.

He had gone to work for Carruthers after they had moved to Riverview, almost fifteen years ago. Except for a monthly trip to Buffalo or Toronto, he had no sex life other than his accommodating hand. Riverview wasn't big enough to support the kind of call girl trade he thought he deserved.

He wasn't interested in the fifteen dollar, fifteen tricks a night trade. Much of the 100G he had embezzled had been spent on the 5C's a night ladies in the cities mentioned. They may not have been top of the line, but they stayed the night, and, short of taking a beating, were open to practically everything.

Now, nearly forty, he envisioned never needing them again.

It took barely a half dozen thrusts before he felt the tingling sensation in his balls which signaled his impending explosion. He stopped moving, dropping his head to Max's shoulder so she wouldn't see his tears.

It had taken him nearly three years of planning and another two years of execution to get here, and now it would be over In a few seconds. He tried to will his balls to be quiet, but the harder he tried, it seemed the faster he moved along that usually joyous path to eruption.

Even with the rubber, Max felt him coming. She tightened her legs around him, and her quim on his mini-monster, milking every drop she could squeeze out of him. Before he could deflate, she pulled off him and reached down to stroke his latex encased shaft, puncturing the safety in the process.

"Oh, dear! Look what you did, you animal, you," she teased him, pulling off the leaky condom and letting it drip on her breasts.

"I hope none of that nasty blood got into your pee slit. My Mexican nanny told me when my period started that the menses blood could kill a man's sperm. Some of the women in her village, after they had had enough children, she said, would wash their men's members with their discharge for a few months, killing their sperm makers."

Don shivered at the thought and looked down at his prick, wondering if any blood had made its way inside him. He couldn't see anything on his deflating staff.

"Anyway, did you enjoy that, Sweetie?" He nodded, and started to reach for her. "Me, too," she said and rolled over on to her side, her back to her groom.

"Maxine!" he cried.

"Oh, I'm sorry, honey," she said, rolling back. She sat up and gave him a tongue filled kiss, still bearing traces of the flavor he had noticed in their kiss at the end of the wedding ceremony. "See you in the morning. Sleep well," she said, rolling back onto her side.

Don, dumbfounded, looked at the bed, a double, and Max was lying, sprawled, right in the middle, easily taking up half of the bed. He stretched out beside her, on his side, his back to her, and tried to figure out what had happened.

—to be continued

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midatlstorymanmidatlstorymanabout 2 months ago

Looking forward to see how this develops. Could be interesting, so far a little sketchy, since they may have been able to come with a plan instead of jumping into the wedding. But, we'll see.

Diecast1Diecast1about 1 year ago

I love the story a lot. AAAAAA++++++.

Lions86Lions86over 2 years ago

this is prob one of the most unrealistic stories ever. one even if they have been into each other for years its never going to happen where the sister shows up says she wants you to take her virginity and plot to take out her soon to be husband and then you call your place of employment and say hey btw ima need a few years leave also can you help me?

mrdata9770mrdata9770about 3 years ago

Picky, picky, picky Mr. Anonymous of almost 5 years ago. Your comment would have held a little bit more weight if you had an account, and maybe published, with skin in the game. But there you are Mr. anannymouse. IMO, this is a good start to an interesting narrative, and so what, there are mistakes. This author will have the opportunity to improve with the help of other authors with more experience and by readers like yourself but hopefully without your arrogance and lack of tact, if he or she chooses to do so. To bad it’s been five years since your comment and will never see my comment, but hopefully the author and new readers will. Your comment was a cheat shot and I’m sure it made you feel really powerful, and superior.

LegallySaneLegallySaneover 3 years ago
Marry the bully???

Ruined it for me....

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